
Hatherleigh Preschool CIO is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, a member of the Preschool Alliance and is registered with Ofsted who carry out regular inspections to ensure that we meet all the required standards of care and education as set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
The Pre-School is located in a designated area within Hatherleigh Community Centre, we have been here since October 2006 when we moved from the Town Hall, our area consists of two playrooms, the den (a quiet space for small group work) access to a kitchen, toilets and a hallway at ground level enabling us to provide an inclusive service to all children in the surrounding communities regardless of their abilities. The children have access to a secure and enclosed play area. Research shows that children benefit both physically and intellectually from regular outside exercise and activity. It is an Ofsted requirement that we make use of our outdoor facilities and we endeavour to make this an extension of our learning environment as much as possible.
The Pre-school follows Hatherleigh Community Primary School’s term-time opening timetables as much as possible, we are open during term time Monday – Friday, 9am – 3pm.